Tuesday, April 12, 2016



A. Conclusion
            Based on the findings of this study some conclusions are dealing with the result of student’s ability in writing spelling words by using dictation method. And the problem faced by students during learning writing spelling word. Basically, if the students master in writing the words by correct word without has spelling errors, it means that they have skills in writing English. It can concluded that, the ability in writing spelling words by English spelling well is the first skill in writing English.
            First, the students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words in the first cycle was improved, but not achieved criteria of success yet. As the result, the students got average score 62. It showed that the result of students not met the criteria of success, it means the students’ score in level fair. To make more effectively or certainly, the researcher continue to the second cycle, there were three meetings. As the result, the students got average score 80,5. It means that the result of students met criteria of success (level very good).
            Second, based on the result of the research, the result showed that the implementation of the dictation method can improve the students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words. This way becomes as the strategy in teaching writing spelling words especially for students of Elementary School. It seem that the improving students’ ability in writing spelling words by using dictation method is one of suitable approach in creating students’ enjoyable, active and interested in learning writing English words. Based on the result from interviewed to the students, 100 % students were interested in learning writing spelling words by using dictation method. The writer concluded that, dictation method increased the teachers’ technique in teaching writing English words.  
B. Suggestions
          After providing some conclusions, the researcher would like to states some suggestions. It seems that the improving students’ writing spelling words by using dictation method is one of the suitable approaches in creating students’ enjoyable and relaxes in learning writing spelling word. Method or strategy is one of material that influences the teaching- learning process, but we must be admitted there are many factors that influences of successfully of learning for students.
            Based on statement above, the researcher would like to draw some suggestions as follows:
First, for English teacher, the researcher suggest to all of English teachers who teach English at elementary school should be use dictation method as alternative  way in teaching writing spelling words. However, the students were interested by using dictation method, because their teacher dictated directly by spelled it and the students can directly checked the spelling errors made in their written .
            Second, for the sample students, the researcher suggests that they must familiar with the words that was dictated by their teacher. The students must learn spelling of alphabet well, they must practice to usual writing English words in English spelling well.
            Third, for the other researchers, they must be considered the quality of dictation method as the classical method and combine became new strategies which is given to the students in improving students’ interest in learning writing spelling word.
            Finally, for all the readers, the researcher wishes this thesis becomes as a literature related to improve students’ writing spelling word by using dictation method and can be able to add our knowledge of the research.



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