Tuesday, April 12, 2016



A.       Background of the Study
          Learning English is also like learning other languages where the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing are involved. In these four skills, writing is the one of skill has the great influence in English acquisition. Writing has a very important role in learning foreign language because it much the other language skill in daily teaching and learning process. Writing has used in speaking skill, listening and reading skill. In the case of reading and writing, the students who recognize more words is one factor that will limit the students success in mastering the integrated aspect of language. So, they can write down about what the other speak, read, and firstly they can write about what they listen in correct words without has spelling errors. They are able to do it as they hear the words repeatedly and know the meaning of the words.
          In the reality, we can see how the children can understand language effectively from the word who has spoken to them by their family before they can talk, read and write. They learn step by step. First, they learn what they listen. The writer means, one of the way in teaching the students in basic learning English as by introducing the words clearly for them. The words of English is the word was teaching to students by using dictation method by spelling the word, until when the researcher applies the dictation method the students easier to understand spelling word of English well, so they are able to write and talk in correct words. And also know how to spell in English well without has spelling errors in writing English words.
          The writer has some reasons to choose this title, such as the students of SD N 6 Syamtalira Aron have lack English words and difficulties to write and read the words in correct spelling. They cannot differentiate to listen, read and write the words pronounced by the teachers. Based on the researcher experience when she was observing in Elementary School, the teacher seem neglect when teaching of English. They assume that they ought not to teach many words before the students had mastered in written and the speaker of language. Another occasion, the teachers asked their students to consult the dictionary if they found difficult words without taught them the correct spelling words. Based on the writer observation, the writing is not taught in specify. It is often discussed at the same time when the teachers teach reading. He assumes that taught English words just order to introduce the words and their meaning. But the writer found when she conducted teaching practice program, many problems of students got difficulties in reading and writing the English words without spelling errors. Many students make mistakes in pronouncing the words in English spelling well.
          Based on the problems above, the writer wants to describe the mechanism in teaching writing spelling words by using dictation method in classroom. And also want to know what the problems in teaching and learning writing. Dictation method is an innovative and effective method to improve students in mastering writing spelling words. Dictation method can make students interested because it is dictated by teacher by spelling words. So that, the students easier to write down the correct word in difference words pronounced by the teachers without spelling errors. Furthermore, during and after the dictation, all the students are active. When the teacher dictated the words, the students can directly check spelling errors in writing the words. Moreover, dictation method by spell the word can help the students to memorize more English words in correct spelling.
          By applies dictation method in teaching writing spelling words, the students not only learn the words and their meaning, but also they are able to write in right spelling words. Dictation help to developed short term memory students practice retraining meaningful phrase or whole sentences before writing them down. And also the students as well the teacher can get instant feedback if the exercise is corrected immediately.
          These academic problems need solution to help students in learning English. Furthermore, we need the skill of English in order to able to communicate with the other people, as well as to derive pleasure from that language by watching television programs in English, songs, letters and advertisement. In teaching writing spelling words, It includes all the words we normally use in daily activities of listening, speaking and reading. Without having sufficient words it is impossible to communicate effectively in English. To improve students in mastering writing spelling words, the teacher must found the way how to make them interest and easier when learning it. Dictation method is one of the way to improve students’ writing spelling words.
          Based on the explanation above and the problems appears in the school, it became an interesting point for the writer to know whether using dictation method can improve the students’ writing spelling words as well as to see the students’ interest in learning English by using dictation method. Therefore, the writer wants to do the research entitled” Improving Students’ Writing Spelling Words by Using Dictation Method to the Fifth year Students of Elementary School”.       

B.                Identification of the Problem
In this case the problems were identified such as:
1.  The students get some difficulties in writing words, especially in difference word pronounced by teachers in correct spelling word.
2.  The students have lack of words to express their ideas because the students seldom listen and write in English spelling well.

C.               Problem of the Study
          In this formulation of the study, the researcher tries to find out the problems as follows:
     1. Can Dictation Method improve the fifth year students in writing spelling words by correct spelling?
 2. Are the students interested in learning writing spelling words by using Dictation Method?

D.      Objective of The Research
The research must absolutely have purpose. The purposes of this research are:
1.     To know whether the using of Dictation Method can improve the fifth years students in mastering writing spelling words.
2.      To know whether the students are interested in learning writing spelling words by using Dictation Method.

E.      Limitation of the Problem
           There are many problems that can be discussed in this research, so that, the researcher will limit the problem of this research. The limitation of the problem is only to know the using dictation method in improving students’ writing spelling words, the words are limited only adjectives and nouns.

F.        Significance of the Research
In this classroom action research, the researcher wishes this research significant to some people will mention below:
         This research significant to students that can improve their English words and their ability in writing the correct word without spelling errors, and can help the students to easier memorize more English words. This research significant to teachers that can improve their strategy in teaching writing spelling words and to improve their quality in English subject. And for school this research significant such as feed back and to improve the activity and efficiency in teaching learning process and to improve the quality of school toward the students participant and teacher activity.
The researcher also wishes this research significant for the other researchers who investigated the relevant research.

G.       Operational Definition
1.  Writing
          Writing as a means of communication is a process of expressing ideas, wants, hope and thought visually from the writers to the readers.[1] Writing which the writer means is the ability of students to identify and understand what the teacher was dictated, and the students are able to write the words in English spelling words well. 
2.  Spelling Words
          Spelling is act of forming words correctly from individual letters; ability to do this way in which a word is spelt.[2]  And word is written or spoken unit of language.[3] Spelling words which the writer means is the words the teacher was dictated by spelling word in order to make students understand meaning of word, to identify the spelling errors, and to make the students are able to write English words with the difference word pronounced by the teacher in English spelling well. 
3.  Dictation Method
 Dictation is a long prose passage that was still regarded as essential method of testing spelling.[4] Here, Dictation means the words that read aloud (Dictated) with spelling the words by researcher, and the students written down to improve their writing spelling words. Method is a way of teaching a language that is based on systematic principles and procedure, which is an application of the views on how a language is best thought and learner. Method is “Way of doing something”.[5]
 In addition, dictation method is technique used in both language teaching and language testing in which a passage is read a loud to student or test taker, with pauses during which they must try to write down what they heard accurately as possible”.[6]
Dictation Method that the writer means is the way teaching a language that the act of speaking, listening or reading aloud that make somebody can produce in written by correct spelling words in order to improve students’ writing spelling words.

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