Tuesday, April 12, 2016




This chapter presented the data and findings of the research in improving the students’ writing spelling words by using dictation method. The data findings used presented in sequence based on the cycles. It covered the planning of the action, the implementation of the action, the analysis and reflection.   
Before conducting the study, the researcher and collaborator had a discussion about dealing with the study and the class as the subject of the study. The researcher explained the study and it was objectives to her collaborator. It was aimed at providing the collaborator with the knowledge of this study to enable her to do the observation well.

A.   Cycle 1

Cycle 1 had been done for 3 days. It was done at 24th to 27th of November, 2010 and it was conducted in three meetings. The planning, the implementation, the analysis, and the reflection of this cycle were presented in this part. The activities the students had in cycle 1 could be seen clearly in table 4.1. All the activities were aimed at improving the students’ writing spelling words by using dictation method.

Table 4.1 The Activities of Implementing of dictation method class in cycle 1.
researcher’s activity
students’ activity





The researcher opens the lesson and gave a clear instruction about the objectives and rules of the lesson presented
The researcher distributed test (pre-test) and asked the students to write the words around their classroom
The researcher read the words loudly
The researcher took out and explained about spelling the alphabet.
The researcher gave instruction for students to remember the words seriously.
The researcher gave spirit and motivated the students in writing spelling words
The researcher explained more about the way to write the word and to spell the alphabets.

The students listened to the researcher’s explanation

The students responded to the teacher

The students listened and wrote it
The students listened carefully to teacher’s instruction
The students paid attention while the teacher was explaining the materials.

The students seemed confused in writing the words.

The students listened and paid attention to the teacher. 

1.     Planning
Before the teaching and learning activities were conducted in the class, the researcher and collaborator had some discussion about activities in the first cycle. Here, the researcher gave explanation to her collaborator, firstly about how to do this collaboration, what the researcher wants to do and what the teacher who collaborated with her could do in this research. The researcher and her collaborator dealt to do the planning action by in the first meeting the researcher acted as the teacher who carried out the teaching and learning process while her collaborator assisted her for the observation. And then in the next meeting, while the her collaborator acted as the teacher who carried out the teaching and learning process, the researcher acted as observer. Some preparations were made including the lesson plan, the instructional material and the method. In planning the action, the researcher also gave a clear instruction about the method that would use in this research, that method is dictation method. Moreover, the researcher also explained for her collaborator the advantages of dictation method. The lesson plan was designed for three meetings. It was focused on writing spelling words by using dictation method. The researcher and collaborator also made the criteria of success. Because of this research was collaborative action research, the criteria of success could be determined by the researcher and collaborator. The researcher made criteria of success such as her had explained in chapter three. The researcher and her collaborator dealt about that. Because the researcher make score based on criteria of score design by Suharsimi Arikunto, so the researcher gave explanation about that for her collaborator. In this planning, the researcher make a planning in first cycle are three meetings, when the action not success yet, the researcher and her collaborator dealt to continue to the second cycle.
The dictation method test in this cycle was about the writing spelling words especially the adjective and noun based on material book. The teaching writing process was done in classroom. Furthermore, the researcher also prepared the observation checklist and interview. The observation checklist was given to the teacher (collaborator) and students.
2.     The Implementing of the Action
In cycle 1, the implementing of the action was conducted in three meetings. The first meeting, the students were asked to write the words that dictated by teacher without spelling. It was the pre-test. The words are:

1.     Big                        6. House
2.     Buffalo                  7. Horse
3.     Beautiful             8. Chair
4.     Sweet                           9. Clever
5.     Nice                     10.Table  
(Complete words see appendixes)

The words above aimed to know the student’s ability in mastering writing English words without spelling the words. In pre-test, the researcher gave 20 words, the researcher dictated the words without spelling the words. In the first meeting in cycle 1 the researcher acted as the teacher and her collaborator acted as the observer. In the next action, the researcher was explained about the alphabet and how to spell it, next she explained about adjective and noun, and then the advantages of using dictation method in learning writing spelling words. In this meeting, the researcher also explained how to analyze the words that they have written. The way that applied is the students together with the researcher corrected the pre-test that was given by researcher in the first meeting. When the researcher applied that way, the researcher found that the students all had active and faced enthusiasm when they were directly checked their spelling errors, and then they corrected the words by themselves based on the teacher instruction.
After they corrected the words in the right spelling words, the teacher order them to write the words on the whiteboard, next the students spelled the words. Based on the observation, the researcher found a good point in this action, the students faced not lazy to write the words on the whiteboard. They looked fun although they could not write the words in correct spelling.  
           In the next meeting, the researcher’s collaborator acted as the teacher, she was gave more about dictation task that is the words in improving student’s writing spelling words. The students must effort to listen seriously to the words that the teacher dictated and then they wrote the words by correcting spelling.
In implementing the action plan of cycle 1, the research instruments such as field notes, observation checklist were employed to obtain the data about the teacher and student’s activity during the teaching learning process. The implementation of the three meetings was described as follows: 
a.     Meeting 1
Meeting 1 was conducted on Wednesday, November 24th, 2010, starting with pre-test activities. It answered the 20 question related to writing process without dictated the words by spelling words. To begin with the researcher and collaborator entered the class and greeted the students. In this meeting, the researcher acted as the teacher who carried out teaching and learning process, and her collaborator acted as the observer. The researcher checked the student’s attendance list and signed it. Then, the researcher gave a brainstorming about spelling words especially adjective and noun. Then, the researcher explained about dictation method. In meeting 1, the students look confused about the researcher’s explanations. For example, when the researcher explained about material adjective and noun, they could not compare the words.
When the researcher found the problems in this meeting, the researcher asked for them to wrote the words whatever they known in their paper, then the researcher explained for them which one an adjective and which one a noun. The students looked shy to make questions for the teacher, but part of them gave questions when they could not understand about the teacher’s explained. The researcher always gave them advice and spirit to asking what that they not known. After that, the researcher read aloud the words and asked the students to write the words on their paper.
The next activities was done researcher when students checked their written, the researcher and collaborator monitored them. Here, the researcher together with the students checked the pre-test. They looked unsatisfied when they checked their written, it is because they made much mistakes in writing the words. At the end of the class, the researcher collected the papers of the students that had used to write the words. Finally, the researcher asked the students about their ability in writing and spelling the alphabet. The students responded to the teacher said, but they seemed confused when they spelling the alphabet. So that, the researcher and her collaborator agreed that in the next meeting she would focuses  to teach the words by spelling the alphabet in first.
b. Meeting 2
Meeting 2 was conducted on Thursday, November 25th, 2010. The second meeting focused on theory or explanation about dictation method and spelling the words and how to pronounce the words. In this meeting, her collaborator acted as the teacher and the researcher acted as the observer. To begin the teacher greeted the students in the class and asked them if every body was present. After greeting of the class was ending, the teacher started by explained the materials.
Based on the problems that the students faced in meeting 1, they seemed confused in spelling the alphabet, the teacher focuses to explained about words and spelled the alphabet in first. Next, the teacher read aloud the words and asked the students to write the words on the white board one by one by spelled it. Next, the teacher continued asked them together to correct their written that was given by the teacher in pre-test. It means that to make students more understanding about they spelling errors made in pre-test, and also to make them can directly checked their spelling errors made in their written. They seemed unsatisfied when they known if they writing words had more spelling errors, but when the teacher together with them to corrected the words they looked spirit and felt satisfied when they known more their friends also made spelling errors in their writing the words. The teacher ending the meeting with gave them advice to practice their writing English words in their home, and the students responded to the teacher.
c. Meeting 3
             Meeting 3 in cycle 1 was conducted on Saturday, November 27th, 2010. It was the last meeting in cycle 1. In this meeting, the researcher acted as the teacher who carried out teaching and learning process. To begin with greeted the students and checked the attendance list as usual. Before the researcher gave a post-test, the researcher gave a piece of answering paper for students, and asked the students to write their name in the corner of paper. Then, the researcher explained more about spelling the alphabet, pronounce the words and asked them to remember it.
          Next, the researcher read the words once, and spelled it twice. There were 20 words, it was the post-test. Then, the researcher collected the post-test and checked it. After getting the score of post-test, the researcher together with her collaborator compared with the score of pre-test.
          When everything finished, the researcher and the students made reflection on the result of their writing. At the end of the meeting, the researcher and collaborator made reflection.
          3. Reflection.
          To see whether the action was successful or not, the researcher as the teacher and the collaborator who observed the teaching learning process made reflection. The reflection was focused on the analysis in order to know whether the criteria of success were achieved.
          The analysis of the teaching learning process was done by referring to the information obtained the observation checklist (to students and teacher) and field note. The information was about the students’ and teacher’s activities in the class and also about the strategy applied. The strength and the weaknesses of the strategy were analyzed in this phase. Some findings that needed to be improved in the strategy either from the teacher or the student side were recorded.
The analysis detail was discussed below:

a. Analysis of the teaching and learning process
The result of the observation to the students in teaching writing activities that all the students responded to the teacher’s greeting, they listened carefully when the researcher explained and asked some questions. But, most of them spoke loudly and did not pay attention. The researcher explained about the spelling alphabet to make the students were silent. Then, the researcher ordered the students to write the words was dictated by teacher. Some of them seemed lazy to write them. But, part of them listened seriously and wrote correctly. Although they were confused because of discussing, but they were spirit and enthusiasm in writing the words.
 Every student tried to write the correct words, even though they were shy in asking the correct words. However, they screamed when they got the correct answer. At the end of time, they collected the paper and they looked unsatisfied. Finally, the researcher gave some advices to the students in order them more spirit to study hard and practice.
          Based on the result of the observation to the researcher in teaching writing activities showed that the researcher enter to the class and greeted the students as usual. The researcher began the lesson and gave clear instructions about words especially adjective and noun and dictation method. The researcher asked the students to listen carefully. The researcher always motivated them while the researcher was dictating the spelling words. The researcher asked them to do by themselves. The researcher ordered the students to memorize the alphabet and the correct spelling word. The researcher was smile when the students collected the paper on the table. The last, the researcher gave some advices to the students. She wishes the students to practice by themselves. The students responded to the teacher.
In the first meeting of the first cycle, the researcher gave a pre-test to the students by asking them to listen and wrote the words which the researcher dictated, it was 20 words. The researcher gave pre-test with dictated the words without spelling the words. Then, on the second meeting, the researcher dealt more how to teach writing spelling words by using dictation method. Because there are many problems that the students faced, the researcher and her collaborator make an agreement that the students still confused in spelling the alphabet. So that, the researcher and her collaborator must effort to make them could to spell the alphabet by followed what the teacher’s said. The researcher motivated the students, so that they were spirit and easy in learning writing spelling words by using dictation method. The last meeting, the researcher gave a post-test to know the students’ improvement of writing spelling words by using dictation method, it was also 20 words.
In the first activities of the first meeting, the students seemed to be worried about responding the teacher’s questions. They still worried to answer the questions. This was due to the fact that not only the students had lack of English words, but also they were confused in spelled the alphabets and writing in correct spelling words. For example: when the teacher asked them to write the words “Name”, just 5 students could write in correct spelling. The others wrote by spelling errors, such as “Neme, Nem and Nam”, so their writing is wrong. 
Basically, teaching writing spelling words by using dictation method had been applied accordingly by the teacher. Based on the result of field notes in cycle 1, some good points should be maintained, such as: giving freedom for the students to spell the word in order the students are easier in understanding the meaning of the words. Dictation method helped the students to get their writing spelling words skill, and also the students could directly check spelling error in their written words.
The result of the researcher found based on the field notes in cycle 1, they are:
1.   Good points
a. On the students’ Side
·        Gave enthusiastic response to the strategy applied
·        Had motivation in following of learning
·        Felt happy to study English
·        Studied and worked the exercise relax
·        Increase solidarity each other of students
      b. On the teachers’ side
·        Created relaxed situation in the classroom during the teaching and learning activity.
·        Response and answer the students’ patiently.
·        Gave a hard effort in motivating the students to use the strategy.
·        Monitored the students’ worked.

2. Points to be considered
    a. On the students’ side
·     Students’ English words is still limited
·     Some students were still confused in writing word in correct spelling
·     Most of students were did not have dictionary
·     Some students still nervous to memorize the alphabet in front of their friends
    b. On the teachers’ side
·      The teacher Could not manage the time proportionally to each activity
·      The teacher did not ask to students who did not finish exercise.
Meanwhile, some good points should be improved, such as;
The first was in the way of giving instruction. Because most of the activities were something new for the students, the instruction should be clearly started in simple sentences. Unclear instruction made the students confused and did not know what to write in their papers. As the consequence of the task, teacher should explain more for the students and asked for clarification of the task. Such as the fourth point in point to be considered on the students’ side, some students still nervous to memorize the alphabet in front of their friends, in this case the researcher tried to spell the alphabet in the way by song the alphabet together. It is one of the strategies to make the students felt confidence to spell the alphabet and memorize them.
After the researcher analyzed the result of field notes in cycle 1, improvement in this point get influence for the second point. The result is more students were easier in writing words by correct spelling.  
The second was in choosing the kinds of the words. It was an important thing because the students had listened with the words. Based on the result of observation, it was not effective in giving material of writing about something difficult, such as about politics, government, etc. Considering that the subjects of this research were the students of elementary school. Because that the researcher gave the easier material that was about something around their environment.
The third was the way the researcher helped the students with explained about dictation and spelling the alphabet. Based on the observation to the students had difficulties in writing the correct words. The researcher applied the dictation method as solution in improving students’ writing spelling words.
The fourth was about the researcher spelling the alphabet. Although the alphabet had explained, the researcher needed to review, because some of them did not memorize the alphabet. Based on the result of interviewed for students and the researcher found when she conducted this cycle, 95% students admitted difficult in differentiate the alphabet that the teacher dictated, such as: B and V, A, I and E. In this case, the researcher must ask some comprehensive question to check whether the students had comprehended about material which the researcher was dictated, especially about spelling the alphabet.
The last was about time management. The researcher could not manage the time well when it came to the activity of teaching writing spelling words, the researcher had given the instruction to the students in writing the dictation material. The researcher must effort make students obedient with her instruction, such as the students did not spoke if they not finished of writing the dictation materials.
Some improvements were shown during the teaching and learning process. At first meeting they had difficulties to write the correct words, but in the second meeting most of students were better than before. Based on the observation, it also indicated that the students had started with listen the dictation materials and then wrote them, and started to listen of spelling the alphabet as the solution in learning writing spelling words. This indicated that the strategy applied worked well to improve students’ writing spelling words
In the last meeting in first cycle, the students faced easier in differentiated the spelling alphabet. When the teacher asked them to spell the alphabet together with their friends, they faced happy and had enthusiastic respond to the strategy applied. When the teacher asked them to correct the spelling errors that they made, the students not shy to come in front of class and wrote the words on the whiteboard. But in the first meeting they faced worried to do it.
b. Analysis of the students’ learning result
This explained about the student’s learning result. One aspect of the criteria of success of this study was that the students’ result of writing spelling words by using dictation method could achieve the good or excellent. In reference to the criteria, the students’ score were analyzed using the determinitation that mentioned previously in chapter three. While the data from the result of students’ ability in writing spelling words was analyzed using the teacher’s model scoring, it was the total score of the students divided the total number of students. Each test on both cycles the researcher give 20 words, when the students can answer 15 words correctly, she/he will get 75 point. If the 75 % students belong to level good (66 to 79) based on the criteria of score designed by Suharsimi Arikunto in preparing the criteria of success, it means the action was success, because the average score of students based on the criteria of success.
The score of pre-test and post-test were obtained by the students after followed the test. The pre-test was formatted by dictation the words without spelling them. Then, the researcher got the students’ average score from the pre-test. The average score was obtained by divide the total students’ score with the total number of students. The total students’ score are 780 (see appendixes 4.7), and the total number of students are 26, 780 divide by 26 are 30. So the average score of pre-test was 30. It means that, the average score of students in level “very poor”.
Furthermore, in doing post-test the researcher prepared the test of adjective and nouns by spelled them, there were 20 words. The total students’ score in post-test are 1620 (see appendixes 4.8), 1620 divide by 26 are 62, so the average score of post-test was 62. It means the average score are level “fair”. The number showed the implementation of dictation method improved the students’ ability in writing spelling words, although the score did not achieve of criteria of success yet. Because to met the criteria of success 75% students belong to level good (66-79).

The result of pre-test the students got score 30 and in the post-test they got score 62. Based on the result of observation and interviewed, the teacher can increase the score of students because the researcher gave more explanation about spelling the alphabet, and also tried them to write the spelling errors on the whiteboard, so the students can usual to try in writing words and directly corrected the spelling errors in their writing words.
Based on the result of analysis, the researcher and her collaborator concluded that in the first test (pre-test) from the 26 students just 3 students met criteria of success (see appendixes 4.7). This was shown that students got difficulties in write the words by correct spelling. More of them could not to write the different words pronounce by the teacher dictated, such as: the word “Horse and House, Like and Lake”, etc. When the teacher dictated the word “Horse” they wrote “House”, when the teacher dictated the words “House” all of students known the meaning is “Rumah”, but they are could not to write the words by correct spelling. Most of students wrote in spelling “HAUSE, HOUS and HOS”. based on the result of analyzed for students, when the teacher asked to write the words such as “HOUSE”, just 5 students from 26 students could write the words in correct spelling.    
For the first cycle in writing the words by using dictation method, the researcher and collaborator concluded that the result of student’s writing  improved. Although the criteria of success did not achieve yet, but the researcher can conclude that the using of dictation method helped the students in improving their writing spelling words. That proved based on the result of students’ average score in post-test, from 30 point in pre-test became 60 point in post-test.
The unsatisfactory results of the first cycle were not only caused by the students’ weakness but also the researchers and her collaborator performance in conducting the teaching and learning process. First of all she did not manage and made use of the time well. Second, she did not prepare the instructional well. For example, she did not see students comprehend specify but only in general, it did not make the researcher knows the students comprehension, such as; in the field note in point to be considered on the teacher’s side (the teacher did not ask to the students who did not finished the exercise).
Based on the result of field notes that explained before on the students’ sides, the failures were caused by some aspects. First, it was caused by their limited English words and spelling alphabet. Next, it was caused of the students’ rarely in pronouncing the correct words and the students rarely dictated by their teacher, so that they could not reproduce them in writing by right spelling word. The researcher concluded that based on her analyzed of field notes and observation, the students’ limited English words and spelling alphabet because the teacher rarely dictated the words by spelling them. The teacher rarely to review the spelling of alphabet, but in fact most of students could not to spell the alphabet. The teacher often teaching writing words by directly wrote the words on the whiteboard with the meaning, and the sometime they directly order the students to consult with a dictionary.
Considering the problems mentioned above and to make the result more effective or certain, the researcher continued to the second cycle. The researcher and collaborator made decision to continue the implementation of this study in the second cycle. The lesson plan and the preparation of the study in the second cycle were revised based on the results that did not achieve the criteria of success yet in the first cycle.

B. Cycle 2
          The cycle 2 was carried out for 3 days, on December 1st, 2and 4th , 2010. It was conducted in three meetings. All the activities were designed by using dictation method in teaching writing spelling words that had been improved students’ problem in writing spelling words. The students’ activities had in the cycle 2 could be seen in table 4.2.
          1. Planning
          Based on the result of analysis of both teaching and learning process and the students’ result during the cycle 1, the researcher and collaborator agreed to some revisions and improvements in applying the strategy in cycle 2. The revision and improvement was not only covered the strategy but also the way the teacher dealt with the students.
          In term the way researcher dealt with the students, something was improved in this cycle. First, the researcher needed to set the time proportionally for each activity was done. Second, the researcher provided some comprehension

material and individual approach to make students more comprehensible about material than before. About the materials, the researcher and her collaborator agreed to review the material that was given in cycle 1. She agreed to make students’ comprehend about the spelling alphabet first. Then, the researcher also ordered the students to write in whiteboard what the researcher was dictated to make all students more active.
          Based on the observation when she conducted cycle 1, most of students confused in spelling the alphabet. The researcher and her collaborator applied dictation method by spelling the words to make students’ writing spelling words improved. So impossible she could improve the students’ ability in writing spelling words if the students’ spelling the alphabet still bad. Furthermore, the researcher and her collaborator make revision in strategies. In the second cycle, the researcher and her collaborator effort to make students felt enjoy and interested in learning. Here, she applied some games for students. One of them are, the teacher wrote the alphabet on the peace of paper from A – Z. The teacher make them in groups. Each group are 4 students. Then, the teacher read aloud about the words, such as “beautiful”. After that, the students to look the alphabet one by one until they found all of the alphabet by correct spelling the words that teacher was dictated. After they found all, the students collected the alphabet and wrote them on the whiteboard. The teacher gave points to each they action.
          When she applied this strategy, the students seemed very happy and they were faced interested. The students are active and enthusiastic to follow the game, and they were responded to the teacher instructions. 
          2. Implementing the plan
          In implementing the plan, in first meeting the researcher still acted as the teacher who carried out the teaching and learning process while collaborator assisted her for the observation. The instruments employed in this study were observation checklist for the progress in every steps of the lesson, and for the teacher action in conducting the class. Observation checklist, field notes and interview were used to know the interested of the students in learning writing spelling words by using dictation method.
   Table 4.2 the activities of Implementing of dictation method class in cycle 2

students’ activity







The researcher opened the lesson and gave a clear instruction about the objectives and rules of the lesson presented.
The researcher read the words loudly.
The researcher took out and explained about spelling the alphabet
The researcher gave instruction for students to remember the words seriously.
The teacher gave the opportunity for the students to asked about the materials
The researcher explained more about the way to listen pronouncing and write the words by correct spelling.
The teacher asked to the student to write in whiteboard one by one what the teacher dictated.
The researcher interviewed the students.
The students listened to the researcher’s explanation.

The students listened and wrote it.

The students listened carefully to teacher’s instruction.
The students paid attention while the teacher was explaining the materials.

The students responded to the teacher.

The students listened and paid attention.

The students came forward the whiteboard and write the words what the teacher dictated
The students responded to the teacher’s  interview

           In point number one above, when the researcher opened the lesson, she also gave objectives and rules of the some activities in conducted the game that would she applied for students. Based on the researcher explained in planning, the researcher and her collaborator agreed to add the strategies in teaching them. Such as gave them some games. The students listened and responded to the teacher. The students faced spirit and interested to know more about the teacher explained.
           In implementing the plan, the researcher and her collaborator implemented the planning that the writer explained in planning.
            a. Meeting 1
Meeting 1 in cycle 2 was conducted on Wednesday 1st, November 2010.  All the activities were in order to make students more able to comprehension and they are able to write much of words in correct spelling. The meeting 1 in cycle 2 was focused on more explanation such as about how to listen carefully what the teacher dictated, how to spell the alphabet and how to write the words in correct spelling. In this meeting, the researcher acted as the teacher and her collaborator acted as the observer. To begin with the researcher greeted the students in the class, and asked every body was presented today. After greeting of the class was end, the researcher started with explained the material.
 Different with cycle 1, the first meeting in second cycle the researcher used individual approach to make students more understand about material and make all students are active. The approach that the researcher means are, the teacher gave more attention for students one by one. Especially to the students who gave score in level “very poor”. The teacher must effort to make them more

understand about materials, such as asked them to write the words on the whiteboard one by one. In the second cycle, the teacher not had more difficulties to do it, because the students were familiar with the materials that given. Although in the first they seemed lazy and shy to do it, but after the teacher gave them advices and instructions, they would do the teacher’s instructions. And in the last activities in meeting 1, the students faced make improvements. They look to fight for when the teacher ordered them to write the words on the whiteboard, and they faced not shy to spelling the words in front of their friend.
To initiate the activities, the researcher and her collaborator greeted the students and checked the attendance list as usual. After that, she explained the objective of the lesson and every thing they were done. She opened the lesson by asked the students whether they still remembered the activities they had done at previous meeting. It was done to refresh the student’s mind on the activities.
Next, the researcher asked the students to write the words that was dictated by researcher one by one on the whiteboard. Then, the researcher asked them to correct it. Some of students still confused in write it, because they could not differ between the alphabets and pronouncing the word. But the researcher always gave them spirit to memorize and remember the alphabets because the researcher dictated the words by spelled them. Based on the result of observation, the students still difficult to differentiate the alphabet, such as A and E, I and Y. So the researcher reviewed to give explanation about that. The students seemed happy when the researcher song together the alphabet. It was one of the strategies that the researcher gave to make students easier and enjoy to memorize the alphabet.   
Before ending the class in this meeting, the researcher and her collaborator gave some games to make students enjoy and more spirit in learning writing spelling words, such as make them work in groups. One group is dictates group  and one else is spelling group. There were a group to dictate the material and there was also one group to spell the words that they got from the dictation. They themselves directly gave score for each group. Here the researcher and her collaborator as facilitator and the monitor. The last the researcher made conclusion and closed the meeting without left confusion for the students.     
b. Meeting 2
The second meeting was conducted on Thursday 2nd December, 2010. In meeting 2, her collaborator acted as the teacher and the researcher acted the observer. It was focused on dictating the words by spelled them. In this meeting the teacher spelled that dictating the words, it was 20 words about 30 minutes, it means post-test. In this meeting, the teacher focused to gave them post-test to see whether the students’ result could improve. Based on the researcher observation in meeting 2, the students faced easier to listen the words that the teacher dictated. They not looked confuse to write the spelling alphabet. Most of them relax but seriously in studying. They could follow each step better. When the teacher conducted in meeting 2, most of the students had good responded about the researcher that was given in meeting 1.
In the last, they ordered to the teacher to continue gave them some games such as the researcher applied in the first meeting. Here, the teacher and the researcher agree to gave them game that the researcher was explained in planning on the cycle 2. The researcher concluded that, the games and strategies that the researcher was given to the students had good responded. And the strategies that applied make students interested in learning writing spelling words.  The end, the teacher collected the students’ paper post-test and closed meeting by giving them advices.
c. Meeting 3
The third meeting in cycle 2 was conducted on Saturday 4th, 2010. In this meeting the researcher focused on interview. First, the researcher explained to the students that the researcher interviewed the students and explained the objective of interview. After the researcher explained about the objective of interview, the researcher called the couple of students to come and sat in front of the researcher table. Next the researcher began with interviewed one by one of the students. It was relaxing condition. In interview section, the researcher tried to make them enjoy and comfort in answering the interview. As the sometime, the researcher was smile to the students. To make interviewed effectively, the researcher used Indonesian language.  
3. Reflection
To see whether the action was successful or not, the researcher and her collaborator who observed the process of teaching learning process made reflection. The reflection was focused on analysis in order to see whether the criteria of success were achieved.
a. Analysis of teaching and learning process
    The observation checklist showed that the students were more obedient in doing their researcher’s instruction. They showed their enthusiasm in answering the researcher’s questions. It seemed when the researcher asked them to write the words on the whiteboard that was dictated by researcher .They were happy and looked easy in write the words that the researcher dictated and spelled it word by word.
Based on the result of the observation checklist and field notes, it was found that after being treated the improved strategy, the teaching and learning process became better and gave a good impact to improve of the learning result of the students. Based on the result of interview for students, the students faced bored by the technique their teacher used in usual teaching writing English words. When the researcher taught them with applied dictation method by spelling the words, they looked good progress. Furthermore, when the researcher applied with gave them some games when teaching and learning process, the students faced interested and had more spirit in learning by the strategies the researcher was  given. The students had good respond for the teacher.
The result of field notes in cycle 2 faced some good points on the students’ side and on teacher’s side. They were:

1. Good Points
a.     On the students side
·                Relax but seriously in studying
·                The  students had been familiar with the strategy
·                Could follow each steps better
·                Could not hesitate in writing what the teacher dictated
·                Increase solidarity each other of students
b.     On the teachers side
·        Created comfortable atmosphere but seriously in studying
·        Make students more comprehension in spelling the words
·        Guarded the students patiently
·        Make students enjoy with the teacher
·        Make students interested in learning writing spelling word, such as gave some games for students
2. Points to be considered
a.     On the students’ side
·        Students’ English words is still limited
·        They had problem in learning writing the word in correct spelling, especially in differentiate the word pronounce by the teacher dictated.
·        They seldom pronouncing the correct words and the English alphabet well

b.     On the teachers’ side.
·        Because there are many problems that the students faced, the teacher could not find the way to solve problems in such a short meeting.
Related to the process of teaching and learning aspect, the researcher did not spend much time dealing with how to encourage the students to understand about material. This fact happened caused they had familiar with the strategy. In this cycle, the researcher could manage the time better. As the result, the researcher concluded that the students more able to understand the material.
In terms of the student’s participation in the learning process, it was shown that the activities applied in cycle 2 worked well in the student’s ability in writing spelling words. Different with in the first cycle, the researcher only encouraged the students to listen and write what the researcher dictated. In the second cycle the researcher also gave more attention to make the students easily understand. In the second cycle the students have shown their progress in writing the words. They were active in responded questions. This fact happened caused they had familiar with the strategy and the materials.
For example, when the teacher asked them how to write the word ”butterfly”, they seemed enthusiasm to write the words on the whiteboard. All of them not worried to do it. When the teacher asked them to correct their spelling errors made, they not looked shy to ask the questions for the teacher how to write the correct words and how to spell the words. It one of a good point the researcher had found in this cycle.
b. Analysis of the student’s learning result
Analysis of the students’ writing spelling words was done based on the result of students’ performance in writing of the words and their spelling. They felt easier in learning writing spelling word and add their knowledge about English words. They had more understanding in learning how to write the words. Especially, in writing the words that they got from spelling.
Based on the result of analysis all the subjects were able to develop their ability in mastering writing spelling words by using dictation method. The development was indicated by final asking writing result of the students which could achieve the level good or excellent, it means achieved the criteria of success. The total students’ score of post-test in cycle 2 are 2095 (see appendixes 4.8), so the average score of post-test was 80,5. Based on the result in the second cycle, they got the average score in level “very good”. On the result of the students’ writing spelling words activities in cycle 2, the score shown that just 2 students got the score in level “fair”, it was score 60.
c. The result of interview
In this section, the researcher displayed about the result of interview. The interview was used to find out students’ opinion about the effectiveness of class management and it was used in classroom to improve students’ writing spelling word, to know the difficulties or problem faced by students in learning writing spelling word and also to know the interesting of students in implementing the dictation method in learning writing spelling word.“Interviewing provide the researcher means to gain deeper understanding of how the participant interpret a situation or phenomena that can be gained through observation alone”.[1]
In this section, the researcher interviewed the students. Almost every student had the same problems. To make interviewed effectively, the researcher used Indonesian language. There were ten questions in interview (see appendixes). First the enthusiasms of the students in English subject, 80% students were enthusiasm in English subject. Second about the students’ opinion in studying English, 90% students concluded that study English were important. Third about the problems that faced by students in learning writing spelling word. There were some problems faced by students in learning writing spelling word. There were:
a.  difficult in differentiate . 95% students admitted difficult in differentiate
The alphabet such as: B and V, S and C, A, I and E, G and J. In this case, the students shown that when the teacher dictated A, they write E, when the teacher dictated I, they write Y. After she conducted the research from cycle 1 up to cycle 2, based on the result of teaching and learning process and the result of students’ learning result, that was prove the problems had solution by applied dictation method in writing spelling words, and they were difficult to write the different words pronounce, such as: Horse and House, Mouse and Nose, Lake and Like. For example, when the teacher dictated the words “Horse”, they wrote in “Hose, Hors”, their written shown has spelling errors.
b. Facilities. Only 10 % students had dictionary. It meant 90% of students had not facilities (dictionary) in checking the words.
            c. lack of technique. 100% students admitted have no enjoyable technique in learning writing English words. Their teacher seldom dictates the words. They often teach by directly write the word with their meaning on the whiteboard and consult to a dictionary. The result of interview, when the researcher applied the strategies, such as gave them some games, it can make they were interested in teaching and learning writing spelling words. And the result are 100% students said that were enjoyed and they were interested in learning.
         Fourth, about the students’ interesting in learning writing spelling words by implementing the dictation method. Especially, they gave a good respond about the strategies that was given by the researcher, such as song spelling alphabet together and applied some games in teaching and learning writing spelling words. 100% students were interested in learning writing spelling word by using dictation method. Fifth, about the students’ wish in improving their ability in learning writing English word. 100% students wish that their ability in learning writing English words in correct spelling could improve. Sixth, about the students’ relationship with teacher. 70% students felt that the relationship with teacher was good. 
         The relationship with the students and the teacher get influence when the teacher conducted the teaching and learning process. Based on the result of interview and observation, the researcher concluded that, some of students that felt the relationship with their teacher not good, in fact they were got more problems in learning. And in fact shown the students that the researcher meant, they got the bad score and they felt not interested to learning English. The researcher concluded that, especially to the teacher who teaching in Elementary School, make the relationship with you and your students in good. If the relationship was good the students would interest in learning the lesson that would your given.               

[1] Sugiono, Methodologi penelitian pendekatan kualitatif, kuantitatif dan R &D, (Bandung:Al Fabeta,2007), p.318.

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