Tuesday, April 12, 2016



A.   Research Design
This research was done by using qualitative data approach by using an action research. This research describes the data by using words verbally and non verbally. The data was collected from the field; it was done at SD Negeri 6 Syamtalira Aron by observing the teaching learning process of writing spelling words by using dictation method.
The research design was collaborative classroom action research. The researcher does the action with English teacher. This design was chosen because the researcher has the same characteristic as the problems and the aim of this study, that is to improve students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words. Ur states that “Action research is carried out by teachers on phenomena in their classroom. It is primarily to improve own teaching process”.[1] 
In implementing this research, the researcher was assisted by one of the English teacher at the school. Cohen suggested that the action research functions best when it is collaborative action research. This method of research incorporates that ideas and expectation of all persons involved in the situations. Collaborative action research has the concomitant of beneficial effects for workers and the improvement of the services, conditions and the functions of the situations.[2]
Based on that suggestion, the researcher collaborated with one of the English teacher at the school who help the researcher in this action by doing planning, implementing, observing, analyzing and reflecting the result of the action.
The implementing process in this research refers to mode of Kemmis in O’Brien, It was consisted of four steps they are: 1) Planning an action, 2) Implementing the plan, 3) Observing the action, 4) Making the reflection during implementing the action.[3]
The activities are started from conducting preliminary study. It was done to know the real conditions of the students and teachers problems in mastering writing class. Then, the researcher planned to implement this study based on the real condition in the class.

B.   Setting and the Subject of the Research
The research was done to the fifth year’s students of SD Negeri 6 Syamtalira Aron. The school has located on Jl.Exxon Mobil, cluster 1, Syamtalira Aron. The teaching learning process was taken place at the school in the morning starting from 08.00 up to 13.00 p.m.
There were 12 rooms at the School; eight of them are for the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and the six classes. The other rooms are: the headmaster and teacher’s room, library and store house. The total numbers of the teachers of the school are 18 persons. Consist of 13 women and 5 men. There is only one English teacher. Because the English subject only be taught for the fourth, fifth and the sixth grade.  
Most of the students were from farmer families, the trader and the other from the entrepreneur. The total numbers of students are 310 persons, that consist of 220 males and 90 females. The students are divided into sixth grades. Each grade has two classes, each class consist of 30 students. The researcher took the research in fifth grade.
 Based on the explanation above, the classes are not crowd. The average class consists of 20 up to 40 students. The number of class are normal, so the students have a chance to make consultation  and discussion with their teacher about improving their ability in studying English and they also get attentions from their teachers.
The subject of this research was the people who became subject of study.[4] It means that, not only the researcher as the subject but the students also became the subjects. The subject in this research was taken from all of the fifth year students, because the sample or subject in the classroom action research is only one class.

C.   Research Procedure
In conducting this study the researcher followed the steps proposed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart in as illustrated in this following figure:


Diagram Flow Kemmis Taggart, adapted from Juliani.[5]
1.     Preliminary Study
A preliminary study was conducted at SD Negeri 6 Syamtalira Aron. Before doing the study, the researcher met the headmaster of the school to ask her permission for conducting the research at that school by giving the letter recommendation for doing research from Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe. After got the permission from the headmaster to conduct the research, the researcher met the English teacher to ask her permission for conducting the research and shared with her about the research. Furthermore, the researcher made with the teacher to obtain information about teaching learning process, such as the problem faced in presenting materials, curriculum used and the method used. The researcher also asked the administration staff in order to collect the data about the school and about the number of teachers and students.
2.     Findings
This study was done by observing the process of teaching English in the classroom, field notes and test. Based on the observation, the researcher found that there were some problems faced by the teacher and students in mastering writing spelling words. First, lack of students’ English words and low motivation in learning writing English. Second, lack the variety of technique used by the teacher in teaching writing English words. The teachers usually teach the students English words by directly write the words on the whiteboard and then write the meaning, and usually the teacher directly order their students to look up a dictionary without teach them how to write the words in English spelling well.
3.     Planning
In this research a planning was made in doing the proper action in the next step. It was done to get more authentic data concerning the teaching of English in general and teaching of writing spelling words in particular. Related to the problems, the researcher designed the planning for action with collaborator. The action was done in improving the teaching learning process quality, the planning of was formatted as follows:
1.     Preparing teaching strategy and the materials
2.     Designing the lesson plan
3.     Designing the research instrument
4.     Preparing the criteria of success
a.     Preparing Teaching Strategy and Materials
In conducting the study, the researcher used Grow with English book and the smart step in learning English for source of teaching writing. The researcher used the book because the book was used by the teacher in teaching English. The researcher taught the material related to their English teacher that given. So, the materials that be used by teacher and the researcher can be connected. Then, the teacher can know the development of the teaching learning process and the students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words. So, the focus of writing skill in this study was emphasized on the students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words by using dictation method.
Generally, the first step is the teacher explained about the material that was studied, such as the theme and how the importance of writing in English spelling words and giving the dictation as a method to motivate the students. After that the researcher also prepared a test to the students in obtaining the result of their knowledge first. The result would be compared with the result of the next test after the teacher do action. It means the students would be taught in mastering writing spelling words by using dictation method.
b.     Designing Lesson Plan
Designing the lesson plan was very important in order to make the teaching and learning process runs well. The lesson plan directed the teacher to apply the plan in implementing writing spelling words by using dictation method in order to achieve the objectives of the lesson. In designing the lesson plan, the writer considered the components: (1). Achievement indicators and expected learning outcomes, (2). The learning stages, activities, time allocation and determining assessment instruments used in each stage.
c.      Designing the research instrument
The instruments which were used to collect the data in this study consist of a test that given to the students at the last action. It means, after the actions was done the researcher will see the development of the action that the students can improve their written by using dictation method. The test was formed as follow:
1.     Buffalo               6. House
2.     Short                            7. White horse
3.     Beautiful             8. Long hair
4.     Pig                      9. Big ball
5.     nice                     10.High mountain
(Complete see appendixes)

The instrument above was given to the students at the first meeting and the last action. The researcher analyzed the result. In the action, the students were taught the writing spelling words by using dictation method.
 d. Preparing the Criteria of Success
The criteria of success were designed to assess the students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words by using dictation method. The study was considered successful if it has already met the criteria of successful of mastering writing that proved with writing the correct spelling words. If the students can be able to write the word correctly without spelling errors, they will get excellent. Because to met the criteria of success, the students not only can listen what the teacher dictated, but also they are able to write down the words in right spelling words.
The researcher determined the criteria of success by determining the average score of all students and also based on their activity in the teaching learning process. The researcher provided a pre-test to know the students’ ability first, the score of pre-test that they got influence in determining the criteria of success. For example, the students got standard score in pre-test (the correct answer about 15 words), from each questions the students will get 5 to the correct answer, so they got 75 if they can write down it about 15 words. The researcher gave the average score of the students by divide the total of students’ score with the total number of students. If the most of students got the standard score in pre-test namely about 75 point, it means the researcher can determine the average score as the criteria of success about 75 point. If the students got the average score in post-test, it means the action was success, because the average score of students based on the criteria of success.
The level of students score based on the criteria of score designed by Suharsimi Arikunto, that less from 40 is very poor, 41 to 55 are poor, 56 to 65 are fair, 66 to 79 are good and 80 to 100 are very good.[6] If the 75 % students belong to level good, it means that the criteria of success is met.
4.     Implementing
The researcher acted as the practitioner who carried out the teaching learning process while the collaborator helped to observe the interaction between the students during the class. To start with pre-test, this session was done in one meeting. In the first meeting, the teacher gave pre-test without spelling the words. It was done to know about the students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words. In the second meeting, explained about the material that discussed. Then, the meeting will carry out by using the researcher’s strategy, namely doing action by using dictation method in improving students’ writing spelling words.
5.  Observing
To get more data, the researcher also conducted observation. This technique was used to know everything related to teach writing spelling words and to record data about any aspect or event that was happening in the teaching learning process during the implementation of the action. During the teaching learning process, the collaborator teacher observed and collected the data about the result of the implementing of teaching writing spelling words by using dictation method.
6.  Analysis and Reflection
Data analysis is about the way the data were analyzed and reflection stage discussed the result of data analysis. The procedure of doing both activities as the following:
1.     Data analysis
To make data more accurate, the researcher and collaborator compared the result of the notes during teaching learning process and had discussion on the students’ response toward the implementation of the study in each meeting. The data was obtained through observation were collected and analyzed according  qualitative data procedure. 
2.     Reflection  
In each stage, the researcher and observer evaluate the result of the action in the first cycle in order to know whether it has met the criteria of success. The action is considered successful if it has met the major indicator of success mentioned previous. If the criteria already achieved, the research can stop. But if the criteria is not achieved, the research continue to next cycle.

D.   Technique of Data Collecting
1.     Data Source
The data for this research were taken from the result of the observation in the classroom, field notes, and the students final result the ability in mastering writing spelling words in two cycles.
2.     Research Instrument
The instruments which were used to collect the data in this study were observation cheklist, field notes, interview and test. The observation cheklist was used to record students’ activities in learning writing spelling words in each cycle. Field notes was used  to record detailed information  that emerged during the research the data in the field. The Field in this research was meant school included classroom. The test was used to know students’ ability, it means students’ ability in mastering writing spelling words by using dictation method. Interview was used in conducting any data from the students related to their feeling, their habits in listening and writing spelling words.
E.   Technique of Data Analysis
For the technique of data analysis, the researcher use descriptive qualitative which describes the information or data during process of teaching writing spelling words by using dictation method. While the data from the result of students’ ability in writing spelling words was analyzed using the teacher’s model scoring, it was the total score of the students divided the total number of students. Each test on both cycles the researcher give 20 words, when the students can answer 15 words correctly, she/he will get 75 point. If the 75 % students belong to level good (66 to 79) based on the criteria of score designed by Suharsimi Arikunto in preparing the criteria of success, it means the action was success, because the average score of students based on the criteria of success.

[1]Ur Penny, A cause in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 60
[2]Cohen, Louis, Research Method in Education. (London: Routledge, 1989) p.221.

[3]O’Brien, An Overview of the Methodological of Action Research, University of Toronto. 1998. http;//www.web.Net/-rebrien/papers/arfinal.html. accessed on July 20,2010.
[4]STAIN-M, Panduan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, (Lhokseumawe; STAIN-M, 2008), p. 71

[5]Juliani, Improving Speaking by Using English Conversation VCD to the Second Year Students (thesis). (Lhokseumawe: 2009),p. 31
[6]Suharsimi Arikunto, Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Pedoman Teoritis Praktis Bagi Praktisi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 1 Ed 2004), P.19

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